Mold Inspection Toronto
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Toronto and GTA (416) 414-5690

Mold Inspection Service Areas

With indoor air quality becoming a much bigger concern in recent years, there has also been more focus on air quality inspection, detection and testing.  Mould Hound provides those special services to customers in the Greater Toronto Area, including the surrounding communities of Scarborough, Thornhill, Richmond Hill, and Mississauga.
As it is, we probably spend too much time indoors – just as an example, half of our waking hours are spent cooped up in the office!  And when indoor air quality is second-rate, we all pay the price:  everything from mild allergy symptoms, to respiratory ailments, to weariness and fatigue.  Mould Hound specializes in air quality testing, with an added focus on mold inspection, detection and testing.  Our indoor air testing protocol uses sophisticated technology, superior testing facilities, and most important, professional, experienced Certified Inspectors.  We understand the dynamics of indoor environments, and we’ll get to the bottom of an air quality issue – for sure.
In addition to the GTA, we also service customers in Oakville, Burlington, Hamilton, St. Catharines, Niagara Falls, Oakville, Burlington, Hamilton, St. Catharines, and Niagara Falls.  When it comes to air quality inspections, Mould Hound does not engage in basic, visual analyses, with a few air samples from here and there.  Our trained and qualified inspectors assess a site with a high level of expertise – they identify, isolate and evaluate the full extent of an air quality issue.  And in every scenario, our experts use state-of-the-art diagnostics and high level testing methods.
Our equipment ranges from high-tech imaging cameras, to something quite low-tech – our mold detection hound.  A specialist in sniffing out hard-to-detect mold, he was trained and certified by the Florida Canine Academy, and works like a bomb sniffing or drug-detecting canine.  If there’s something there, we’ll find it – whether it’s hidden behind a wall, above a ceiling, or under a floor.  East of the GTA, Mould Hound services Pickering, Whitby, Ajax, and Oshawa, providing the same high level of specialized assessment.
Beyond the assessment phase, the pros at Mould Hound continue with lab testing to clarify what we’ve found, and to map out a solution plan.  We present a findings report, and detail the overall situation, the location of the problem, and the cause.  Finally, we provide the customer with a workable solution plan to resolve the issue.
For Mould Hound, the primary focus is always on the health of the customer.  For city centers like Guelph, Kitchener, Waterloo, and Cambridge (and smaller centers like Brampton, Barrie, King City, and Maple) we’ve built our reputation on customer satisfaction.  And as a reliable, reputable service provider, we want to do the job right, the first time.
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